So now I know. And I have to live with the knowledge.
I’m married to someone who… (okay, deep breaths; bring down the pulse)… who keys in smileys… without a hyphen.
Ten years of marriage, and it’s only yesterday that I discover Alex is perfectly willing to deprive her emoticon-people of a critical facial feature. “A smiley? Really? Exactly how freakin’ happy are they going to be without a nose?!”
Maybe we’ll move past this somehow, and one day we’ll move from 🙁 to 🙂 again. Maybe.
…Hey, wait a minute – losing the hyphen gains me an extra character in Twitter, doesn’t it?
Awesome. Marriage saved. 🙂
(N.B.: Today’s cartoon is inspired in large part by my seven-year-old daughter, who’s been drawing these amazing people with smileys as faces. Props, Li’l Sweetie.)