Home Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Perks: A full list and descriptions

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Perks: A full list and descriptions

In Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, the traditional multiplayer Perk system returns which is music to the ears of most fans of the franchise.

This means while new systems have been introduced like Omnimovement, there’s more of a classic feel to this game which hopefully benefits players new and old.

Here, we’ll give you a full rundown of the Black Ops 6 Perks system giving you a full list of what you can equip so you can start thinking about crafting the best setup before the Beta.

How does the Black Ops 6 Perks system work?

As previously mentioned, Black Ops 6 moves back to the more traditional Perk setup that most know and love.

This means you’ll be utilizing three different perks to enhance your character, allowing you to create combinations that work in different game modes.

The three perks are separated into three different sections, meaning you can only pick one from each, hopefully meaning that no one is too overpowered.

There is an additional Combat Speciality element added to the game also which can enhance the perks you’ve selected, but you must select three of the same type to gain the bonus.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Perks list

One of the Operators in Black Ops 6

The Perks list that we’ve managed to put together here comes from the major leak of the game that has made the rounds of the internet in recent times.

While these leaks were sourced from an official build of the game, things can change, so keep that in mind before taking the information as gospel, similar to that of the guns and maps.

Perk 1 List

  • Assassin – Enemies on a kill streak get a unique minimap marker and drop Bounty Packs when killed. Pick up the Packs for more score.
  • Scavenger – Resupply ammo and equipment from killed enemies.
  • Bruiser – Melee kills and finishing moves replenish health and earn extra score.
  • Ninja – Move more quietly.
  • Ghost – Undetectable by enemy Radar Ping and UAV when moving, planting, defusing, or controlling Scorestreaks. Undetectable by Prox Alarm.
  • Flak Jacket – Reduces incoming explosive and fire damage.
  • Tac Mask – Resistance to enemy flash and concussion grenades and enemy neuro gas.

Perk 2 List

  • Dexterity – Reduced weapon motion while jumping, sliding, and diving. Take less fall damage.
  • Gung-Ho – Reduced movement penalties when reloading or using equipment. Reload while Tac Sprinting.
  • Tracker – See enemy footsteps, ADSing auto-pings enemies. Long cooldown.
  • Engineer – See enemy equipment and scorestreaks through walls and enemy scorestreak icons on the minimap.
  • Forward Intel – Increases minimap area and shows direction indicators for revealed enemies.
  • Dispatcher – Reduced score cost for non-lethal Scorestreaks. Stacks with Bankroll.
  • Fast Hands – Swap weapons faster and extend focus when throwing back grenades.

Perk 3 List

  • Double Time – Greatly increased duration of Tac Sprint.
  • Bankroll – Start each life with +150 score toward Scorestreaks.
  • Vigilance – Display a HUD icon whenever you appear on enemy minimaps. Immune to CUAV and Scrambler. Immune to Sleeper Agent.
  • Cold-Blooded – Undetectable by AI targeting and thermal optics. Player-controlled Scorestreaks don’t highlight you. Immune to Spy Cam.
  • Quartermaster – Recharge equipment over time.
  • Gearhead – 2 Field Upgrade charges. Increased Field Upgrade charge rate. Hack enemy equipment and field upgrades. Booby trap Care Packages.
  • Guardian – Faster healing while capturing and holding objectives. Revive downed teammates faster.

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Jacob Woodward
Gaming Journalist

Jacob has been a life-long gamer and tech enthusiast ever since the original Game Boy was placed in his hands at an early age. Due to his passion for the field, writing talent, and a keen eye for SEO, he transitioned from digital marketing into games journalism in 2019. Starting initially as a writer, he rose quickly, becoming not only an Editor but also Interim Managing Editor within the space of 2 years. He has worked with gaming media publications such as GGRecon, The Loadout, Retro Dodo, Insider Gaming, Gfinity, Stealth Optional, Retro Recall, and many more, making him an…

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