Home Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Combat Speciality explained

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Combat Speciality explained

Black Ops 6 reintroduces the more classic three Perk system, bringing things back to basics, making the gameplay a little more simplistic.

However, while this is the case, there is one tweak that Treyarch has put in place to keep it feeling fresh.

This is called Combat Specialty and works in tandem with Perks. Here, we’ll reveal all on this and why it could be your secret weapon on the fields of battle.

What is the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Combat Speciality system?

Black Ops 6 Combat Speciality adds another layer on top of the Perks you choose by enhancing the overall package if certain selections are made.

The way it works is by dividing the Perk pool into three different Combat Specialty types – Enforcer, Recon, and Strategist, and you must select all three of the same type to receive the benefit.

These are also color coded in the Perk selection screen so you know which is which very easily.

As for what you get for going down this route, this varies depending on the Combat Specialty type.

Here is a breakdown of what you’ll receive for each Combat Specialty:

  • Enforcer: Killing enemies grants a temporary buff to movement speed and health regen rate.
  • Recon: Enemies can be seen through walls for a short time after respawn, a HUD edge indicator flashes when an enemy is outside your view, leave no death skulls when killing enemies.
  • Strategist: Earn a score bonus for objectives and destroying enemy content through walls a short distance, deploy equipment and field upgrades faster.

As you can see, these can be real game changers, especially with the likes of Enforcer basically making you a bit of a super soldier with enhanced movement and health regen.

However, this is balanced since you are restricted to certain Perks, meaning you will have to sacrifice some of the better options in favor of receiving a Combat Specialty.

We’ll know more about how balanced this is though when we get our hands on the Black Ops 6 Beta.

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Jacob Woodward
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