Forget Guitar Hero. Much more is possible in the world of musical gaming. Audiosurf has created what Alec Meer from PC Gamer UK calls “A near-religious musical gaming experience.” It’s a racing game that uses audio files of your choice to generate 3-D courses. The whole mood, even the speed of the ride, is determined by the songs you choose. You collect colored blocks that appear along the course as you go, and you compete online for the highest scores on the same songs.
Audiosurf employs user-generated content and both friendly and competitive online social layers. It’s not just for racing; you can discover and share new music along the way.
Check out this gameplay video found by liberal arts 2.0 blogger Jason Kottke:
It’s amazing enough as a racing game, but the fact that it’s also a music-sharing social network takes it to the next level. Audiosurf’s daily scoreboard, which you can view on the website, can be filtered by song and by artist, which can lead players to discover new music and “unlock” new levels in the process.