Home Apple Watch Series 4 to feature a circular display, latest leak reveals

Apple Watch Series 4 to feature a circular display, latest leak reveals

It was only two days ago, we pointed out the five ways in which the new Samsung Galaxy Watch beats the Apple Watch. The very first of them was the circular design of the Galaxy Watch, which looks much more classic than the rectangular one of the Apple Watch. We did expect Apple to catch up in some of those areas, and the latest leak further suggests the same.
Slashleaks has posted an image, which shows some sketches of a wristwatch with a round dial and thick bezels. It claims the image to depict the design of the next generation of Apple Watch. If there’s any truth in it, Apple Watch is in for a revolutionary change this year.

Circular Apple Watch

The Apple Watch family thus far have rectangular-faced members only, and it has been the trademark of the company. However, round-faced watches seem to get a higher preference by users, forcing the company to make a revolutionary change. Apple, in fact, has been toying with the idea for more than two years now. The company filed a patent for a round-faced wristwatch at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) way back in January 2016. The design finally may see the daylight this year.
The newly leaked image also suggests that the smartwatch will carry Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and NFC support. The watch apparently features a 1.3-inch AMOLED display of 360×360 resolution.

There is, obviously, no easy route to verify this image. However, there are certain things in it which makes us render upon. Firstly, there’s an iPhone on top of the specifications, suggesting it to be something related to iPhone. And then, there’s a semicircular ring on the left side, which is, apparently the ring featured in Apple’s media invite for the September 12 event.
Having said that, a recent report by analyst Ming-Chi Kuo suggests the next Apple Watch to sport a 15% bigger display. But there’s no mention as to how the company is going achieve it. Larger dial? Thinner bezels? Or a change from rectangular display to circular one?
Nevertheless, there’s only a week left for the grand Apple event at the Apple Park campus. The event will be held on September 12 where the company is expected to launch three new iPhone models. It now remains to be seen if the Apple Watch Series 4 makes its way out this fall, and more importantly, whether it features a circular or rectangular screen.

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