Home 6 Kickstarter Projects That Want To Make Your Apple Watch Awesome

6 Kickstarter Projects That Want To Make Your Apple Watch Awesome

The Apple Watch may be a little slow out of the gate thanks to extended backorders, but third-party accessory manufacturers are racing ahead with additional products intended to supplement or improve the smartwatch you might still be waiting for.

The following six projects, some of which have already received funding after meeting their project goals, hope to improve Apple Watch user’s experience.

Premium One, An iPhone/Watch Dock


A convenient dock for charging your Apple Watch is good; a dock that also charges your iPhone and iPad would be even better. That’s why the Enblue team created the Premium One, which does just that.

The Power One comes in three models. The most basic is a simple Apple Watch charging stand; the most complex will also charge an iPhone 5 or 6 series (including the 6 plus) in addition to an iPad of the mini/Air/Air 2 persuasions. Prices range from $55 to $400 (for a limited edition stand in gold and mahogany).

The Kickstarter project is a go; 1,616 backers pledged a total of $202,666, well over the $35,000 sought. It’s still taking pre-orders; shipments should start moving in July.

Click M: Use Any Strap


Click M makes it possible to use any 22mm watch band with the Apple Watch. These small gizmos attach to multiple pin styles standard with watch bands, making it possible to move your favorite watch band to the Apple Watch with minimal effort.

The project also handily overshot its $30,000 goal, raising $216,436. You can still pre-order the Click M, which is available in aluminum ($25) and stainless steel ($35). A polymer version available for $15 during the Kickstarter project has apparently sold out. Kickstarter backers should see their adapters by June.

Duet Charging Stand


The Duet is another combination charger stand for the Apple Watch and iPhone. Duet is still in the funding phase, though, so it’s not too late to take advantage of the early discounts that come with being a Kickstarter backer.

Available in space grey, silver, and a gold finish, the Duet is compatible with Apple Watch as well as the full iPhone 5 and 6 series. Backers can pre-order the Duet for $79 (suggested retail $99) through June 8.

WeBoard, An Apple Watch Keyboard

A software keyboard for a watch? You bet! This ambitious project hopes to make it possible to easily text your friends from either Android Wear or Apple Watch devices using an integrated one line software keyboard.

Using the Apple Watch’s built-in sensors, WeBoard would make it possible to navigate through and use a one-line keyboard that takes up minimal screen real estate while in use.

WeBoard raised $3,274 from 43 backers on April 8, just over it’s $2,000 goal. The app will eventually work on both Android Wear and Apple Watch.

Unify Dock for Apple Watch and iPhone


Yet another charging stand, the aluminum Unify dock resembles a bowler hat. The Apple Watch serves as the hatband; up on the crown there’s a charging station for iPhone 5 and 6 series devices.

The project is open to funding between now and May 27. As of writing, it had raised $2,639 of the $40,000 project goal.

CyClip Handlebar Mount


When you’re riding down the road on two wheels, letting go of the handlebars to swipe your watch can be a hassle.

The CyClip offers an innovative handlebar mount that takes advantage of the Apple Watch’s band mount for a secure fit. Alternatively, you can fit the Apple Watch to CyClip using the band itself, a convenient way of bringing it along for the ride.

Backers have until May 29 to pledge $35 ($30 for the early bird special) for a CyClip of their own. Shipment is expected by July. As of writing, CyClip had raised $1,270 towards its $48,000 goal.

Lead photo by Kārlis Dambrāns; WeBoard image by Erik Groset

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