Home Helldivers 2 players in over 170 countries still banned from buying game on Steam

Helldivers 2 players in over 170 countries still banned from buying game on Steam


  • Players from 170+ countries still unable to buy Helldivers 2 on Steam.
  • Sony reversed PSN account requirement but game remains unavailable.
  • Developer Arrowhead in talks with Sony to resolve the issue.

Players from more than 170 countries, unable to create a PlayStation Network account, are still barred from buying Helldivers 2 on Steam for over a week after Sony reversed its decision and removed the requirement to sign up for a PSN account to play the popular sci-fi shooter.

According to PCGamesN, the developer Arrowhead’s CEO Johan Pilestedt posted a message on Discord stating that the situation “doesn’t look positive.”

The Japanese multinational conglomerate had removed Helldivers 2 from Steam in 177 countries, recently adding Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia to the list, bringing the total to 180 territories where the game is currently unavailable for purchase. Pilestedt has repeatedly stated that they are in discussions with Sony to resolve the issue.

Sony is also preparing to launch the PC version of Ghost of Tsushima. Developed by Sucker Punch, the game also requires a PSN account to use its multiplayer features, and it has been delisted in the same territories.

Pilestedt said: “So, to give an update on the three further country restrictions. It was an administrative error correction – they should have been part of the original restriction and it was noticed when the restriction was put in place for [Ghost of] Tsushima.

“While it doesn’t look positive, it is not an indication of further restrictions. The conversation on region restrictions is still ongoing and is independent of this. I have no further information. We (Arrowhead) still want the game to be available everywhere,” he added.

The game’s single-player campaign does not require a PSN account. However, PC gamers who pre-ordered the game have reported receiving automatic refunds if they reside in a country where setting up a PSN account is not possible.

Fans’ anger over Sony response

Only a week ago, Sony canceled their plans to force a mandatory link between the PlayStation Network (PSN) and Steam to play Helldivers 2. Fans even united on Reddit to undo a review bomb on the newly-released game. The post went live on May 6, gaining over 36,000 upvotes and more than 2000 comments. However, gamers have taken to social media to criticize the move, calling it “sinister.”

Pilestedt had embraced the controversy with humor, suggesting a cape design inspired by negative reviews, but it remains to be seen whether this will cause another wave of review bombing.

Featured image: Arrowhead Studios

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Suswati Basu
Tech journalist

Suswati Basu is a multilingual, award-winning editor and the founder of the intersectional literature channel, How To Be Books. She was shortlisted for the Guardian Mary Stott Prize and longlisted for the Guardian International Development Journalism Award. With 18 years of experience in the media industry, Suswati has held significant roles such as head of audience and deputy editor for NationalWorld news, digital editor for Channel 4 News and ITV News. She has also contributed to the Guardian and received training at the BBC As an audience, trends, and SEO specialist, she has participated in panel events alongside Google. Her…

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