Last week we surveyed you, the ReadWriteWeb community, about your favorite mobile applications. We asked for your top five mobile apps and ended up with nearly 200 different mobile apps in the post and comments! Today we reveal the full results, including the most popular mobile apps of our tech-savvy readers.

Earlier today our resident Mobile Web expert Sarah Perez listed ReadWriteWeb’s top 10 Mobile Web products of 2009. As for your choices, we discovered that you like social networking on the go (Facebook, Foursquare), Twitter clients (Tweetie, Twitterrific), Google (Google Maps, Google Mobile), and innovative mobile-focused apps (Evernote, Shazam). The top 16 is listed below, with commentary. Also at the bottom of the post you’ll find a spreadsheet of the entire list.
Top Mobile Apps of RWW Readers
Many of our readers use iPhones, so the above list features more iPhone apps than apps from Android, Blackberry, Nokia, or other phones.
Facebook was the most popular mobile app listed by you all. Facebook has been improving their iPhone app all year and this survey shows that our readers are liking those iterations. As Sarah Perez noted earlier today, “if any application deserves an “app of the year” award, it’s Facebook 3.0 for iPhone.”
Not far behind Facebook was Tweetie, a popular mobile Twitter client, which released a major new version of their app in September. Tweetie 2 introduced features like video tweets, offline mode, geolocation and more. Other mobile Twitter apps mentioned multiple times include Echofon, TweetDeck and Twitterific.
Google has always been popular in our Mobile apps surveys, since we began doing them in 2007. They’re listed three times in the above list, including at number three with Google Maps.
Several mobile-centric apps (i.e. apps developed specifically for mobile, rather than the desktop computer) made our top 16 list. Foursquare is a trendy new mobile social network; Evernote is a great note-taking tool; Shazam is a head-scratchingly good app for identifying songs — to name just a few.
Click here to see a Google spreadsheet featuring the entire list of nearly 200 mobile apps listed by our readers.
SEE ALSO: Top 10 Mobile Web Products of 2009