An experimental startup inside of Yahoo called Sled is undergoing a name change and being open sourced, instead of being shut down all together, the company announced this morning. Open standards community leader Eran Hammer-Lahav led the effort to build what launched as a community list building service with an emphasis on simplicity, family groups and off-line activities. (Planning a party, a house move, getting ready for a new baby, planning a trip.)
Hammer-Lahav wrote today that the service was built using Node.js, MongoDB, Express, Socket.IO, Jade, JS, HTML5 and OAuth 2.0. It included an iPhone app that was never launched. The entire package is now known as Postmile and is available on Github.
Hammer-Lahav says that Yahoo is actively seeking to make new hires to work on Node.js. Yahoo has collaborated with Joyent, sponsors of Node, since the fall of 2009.
Hopefully some interesting things will come out of the Postmile source code.