This May Yahoo! started testing an “all in one” search product called Yahoo Glue in India. It’s a really cool service that tonight becomes available to US users of Yahoo.
Yahoo! Glue search results include web search, images, news, blog search, Wikipedia and YouTube videos. That’s right – in the India version at least Yahoo! displayed search results from both Google’s YouTube and Google Blogsearch. The end result – all these links on one page – is pretty awesome.
The Indian version prioritized pages relevant to India, which is interesting, but a little unhelpful to those outside of India. Tonight’s roll out will include a version that prioritizes US relevance and uses an algorithm to determine which media type is most relevant to a particular search. That type’s widget will appear highest on the page. Starting at 6:30 PM PST tonight you should be able to give it a spin and let us know what you think at