Yahoo continues to buy up all the great talent, this time they’ve snagged my blog buddy Lucas Gonze and his innovative music-sharing web app Webjay. As the Yahoo! Music Blog explained [via TechCrunch]:
“Webjay is visionary and fantastic, but we are also keenly interested in Lucas the individual. He’s contributed a lot of great work to standards around music on the Internet, and has always pushed forward a refreshing perspective of openness and progress without turning a blind eye to infringement or the rights of copyright holders (likely because he’s a musician himself). His recent creation of the meme “Lightnet” is a culmination of years of working under this philosophy.”
On a personal note, I’ve been following Lucas’ progress on Webjay ever since he started it. He was one of the first readers of my blog too. So a hearty congrats to Lucas – well done mate!