Women 2.0 Labs is a 5-week pre-incubator program aimed at helping develop high-growth technology ventures in San Francisco. The mission of Women 2.0 “is to increase the number of female founders of technology startups, by enabling entrepreneurs with a network, resources and knowledge to take your startup from an idea to launch.” Women 2.0 Labs is open to both men and women.
Five teams – comprised of “5 engineers (software, hardware, bio) + 5 more engineers (students) + 5 designers + 5 business / marketing people” – will move through the program designed to help validate a business idea and rapidly prototype a product. Participants will get hands-on experience working with team members in order to establish a “founder history” as prospective entrepreneurs.
“Keep your day job, join us afterward,” advertises the program. Participants will moonlight in teams at the Lab’s co-working space at True Ventures, and on Thursday nights will demo their latest prototypes. Participants will be joined weekly by industry leaders who serve as visiting advisors. Advisors from the first Women 2.0 Labs session included Steve Blank, Eric Ries, and Sukhinder Singh Cassidy.
This Fall course will run from September 27 through October 28. The deadline to apply is September 4.