When the RSS management company Feedburner was acquired by the internet goliath Google back in May of 2007, some people were excited, others were concerned. On the one side, there was hope that putting Google’s weight behind the struggling service would improve the speed with which feeds were updated. Plus, there would be the option to put AdSense in feeds, which pleased some publishers. Others, however, felt that that the move gave Google too much power over the syndication marketplace.
One of the people concerned was Dave Winer, one of the world’s first bloggers and an RSS pioneer. At the beginning of this month, he posted a link toFeedsqueezer, a Feeburner competitor that may end up being the only viable option we’ll have when it comes to feed management. Though he didn’t provide any context for the link, we found it interesting as well.
Feed Management: The Internet Monopoly
Surprisingly, feed management is one service where there aren’t a million different options available. Unlike Web 2.0 sites like Twitter and Friendfeed, whose competitors are plentiful and varied, FeedBurner stands alone. Years ago there was Feedpass, but it never got off the ground. These days, as Allen Stern just noted on CenterNetworks, the only other viable option is Pheedo, a service that offers basically the same services as FeedBurner, but also seems to come with the same set of issues: feeds don’t update too quickly, much less in real-time.
Obviously, this lack of true competition is a giant, gaping hole that everyone is waiting for someone to fill. That’s why we have our eyes pinned on Feedsqueezer service, hoping that something will come of it.
Feedsqueezer, the Upcoming Alternative to FB
Today, the Feedsqueezer homepage is nothing more than a promise of what’s to come: a feed management platform that delivers analytics, SEO, feed re-distribution, content delivery, and more. There’s a quiet Twitter account and an unused GetSatisfaction page set up for the service. The one employee representing the service there is “gadgetboy,” aka John Federico, a marketing and business development representative whose prior experience includes serving as VP of Marketing for BlogTalkRadio, Senior Strategist for IconNicholson, Sr. Director of podcasting for Audible, Inc., and more.
The only clue we have to Feedsqueezer’s progress is yesterday’s one (and only) tweet that announces “getting schooled in all things EC2,” a reference to Amazon’s “Elastic Compute Cloud” service where it appears Feedsqueezer will be hosted.
At least a day old tweet appears to be progress. Now, more than ever, publishers need a real alternative to Feedburner. Anyone interested in signing up for the beta can do so from the Feedsqueezer homepage. Who knows? It’s worth a shot.
Update: We mistakenly reported that FeedSquuezer was Winer’s own project in our initial coverage. Winer is in fact not associated with the service in any way and we apologize for the error in reporting. The confusion resulted from his statement on his blog: “I also volunteer to help get a Feedburner competitor on the air…update:Feedsqueezer.”