Home Why The World Didn’t End Yesterday [Video]

Why The World Didn’t End Yesterday [Video]

It is now Saturday morning, December 22, 2012. 

We are still here. 

We at ReadWrite would like to congratulate the world for surviving its rumored apocalypse and offer a reminder that, really, the world was never going to end on December 21, 2012. 

NASA, which has been a reasonable, stabilizing voice through all of the hysteria around the so-called End, has posted a video explaining why we are all still here. 

It is a good thing we survived the apocalypse, because, as one commenter said, “I’m pretty stoked its not happening because that would’ve ruined my week.”


As is the nature of calendars, the Mayan cycle starts anew today. As the video above notes, the Mayans had an extraordinary concept of time, with calendars and cycles that dwarf the scales that modern folks usually think about. 

As we in the media well know, it is never too early to start hyping the next big thing. So, if we think of the Long Count Mayan cycle measured in what is known as a baktun (20 katuns, or 144,000 days) and apply the same cycle of 13 baktuns, then the next Mayan-calendar-induced end of the world hysteria will peak sometime in the year 7,137 A.D. (taking three years worth of leap years into account). If our math is correct. 

Top image courtesy of Shutterstock.

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