Futurist and author Kevin Kelly posits that in 10 years time, each of us will carry 2 computing devices on us: “one general purpose combination device, and one specialized device (per your major interests and style).” He also predicts that we will wear on average 10 computing things: “We’ll have devices built into belts, wristbands, necklaces, clothes, or more immediately into glasses or worn on our ears, etc.”

The general purpose combination device will be a close relation to today’s smartphone. As for the “specialized device,” I’m a writer by trade and so it will likely be a tablet-like thing for me. Or a very light and portable Netbook device – maybe I’ll be able to fold it up, so I can take it anywhere. What will your 2 things be? Speculate in the comments!
Note that while 10 years in the technology world can be a long time, form factors don’t evolve as fast as you may think. So while touchscreen smartphones and their app ecosystems didn’t arrive until 2007 with the iPhone, today’s smartphone doesn’t look that much different to the 2001 models. Below to the left is an Ericsson T39 phone from 2001 (I worked for Ericsson at the time and had a similar model), compared to a 2011 iPhone 4 on the right. Sure the latter is sleeker and more functional, but the form factor is still a rectangle of about the same proportions.

In terms of functionality, Kelly writes that the 2021 era smartphone-like device will be a “wallet, purse, camera, phone, navigator, watch, swiss army knife combo.”
He thinks that the larger, specialized device will be dependent on your vocation:
“Some jobs want a small text based device (programmers), others may want a large screen (filmmakers), others a very blinding bright display (contractor), or others a flexible collapsible device (salesperson).”
What devices do you think you’ll carry around with you in 10 years time?
Image credit: TheSt.LouisKid