At ReadWrite, we believe in both form and function, especially when it comes to wearable devices. Pragmatic features and useful apps may speak directly to our logical brain, but great design pulls powerfully at the heart.
That’s why we’re launching a new series called “Pretty Geeky.” In fact, our premiere post is already live. (If you’re curious about what fashionistas look for in a smartwatch or fitness band, check out what Stephanie Chan discovered when she spoke to members of San Francisco’s style brigade.)
Behind closed doors, the editors and writers at ReadWrite often debate the merits of so-called wearables—those bits of tech we wear at our physical sleeves or near our actual hearts.
If our personal device choices in this category seem intimate, that’s because they are. After all, when we put any items on our bodies, they become extensions of ourselves, or the selves we want to project into the world. In that way, wearables may be the one technology that humanizes us the most.
That’s why some people feel swift and visceral desire when they see well-designed products, even before they know the technical specifications. But those specs matter too. They’re what separate a pretty, smart device from the scores of pretty, dumb ones (as well as the pretty dumb ones).
Consumer electronics companies have started to get a clue. Tech giants such as Apple, Motorola and Intel took their first steps outside their geeky comfort zone, hoping fashionistas will bless their wristworn devices. (Hello, Apple Watch, Moto 360 and MICA smart bracelet.) They enter a field riddled with competition from startups like Ringly and designers such as Rebecca Minkoff.
They all know one universal truth about modern consumers: People may need features and utilities, but they want well-designed products that look and feel good. Despite the growing competition, few devices actually pull off both. ReadWrite aims to find them.
We’ll identify the smart bracelets, watches, rings, shirts, shoes or other wearables that hold up as both gadgets and as accessories. We’ll warn you when products don’t measure up to their promise or hype. And we’ll talk to the tech makers and designers who are shaping this gorgeous new landscape.
What we won’t do is turn you into a cyborg.
We’re on the hunt for real devices for real people. So if you’re looking for wearables people actually want to wear, look no further. ReadWrite is here to help.
To submit product pitches or story ideas, or to contact the Pretty Geeky editors, please contact [email protected].