While the serious talk today is about Freebase, a new next-gen search engine from Danny Hillis, it’s the end of the week and so time for a bit of fun. Author of the popular Top
Alternative Search Engines list, Charles Knight, flicked me an email this morning
with an example of a weird alt search engine that he’d discovered: www.ufocrawler.com/search.
That got us to
thinking about what other ‘weird’ search engines are Out There. Below is a
short list that Charles came up with (his knowledge of alt search engines knows no
bounds!). But we’d like to throw this open to you, the readers, as a kind of Friday or
weekend survey. Please let us know in the comments about the weirdest alt search engines
you’ve come across!
- www.GhetoSearch.com
- www.omnipelagos.com
- www.wabbadabba.com
- www.pupna.com
- www.KoolTorch.com
- www.MeetSpouse.com
- www.cranky.com
- www.nayio.com
- www.GahooYoogle.com
- www.searchbots.net
- www.portbooker.com

Add your suggestions below…