RWW Founder Richard MacManus’ New Chapter, Why iPhone Is Not Your Mother’s Smartphone, and The Best Time To Send Emails. All of this and more in the ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-up.

After the jump you’ll find more of this week’s top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web – Location, App Stores and Real-Time Web – plus highlights from some of our six channels. Read on for more.
RWW Founder Richard MacManus Starts His Next Chapter
Richard’s vision and leadership made ReadWriteWeb an indispensable part of the tech journalism landscape. The editorial team will do its utmost to live up to Richard’s legacy, RWW Founder Richard MacManus Starts His Next Chapter.
More Top Posts:
Sorry, Samsung, iPhone Is Not Your Mother’s Smartphone
The culmination of the crusty-iPhone meme is Samsung’s recent television ad, the latest move in the company’s year-long campaign to damage the hipster-hyped image of the iPhone, Sorry, Samsung, iPhone Is Not Your Mother’s Smartphone.
What’s The Best Time Of Day To Send Emails? [Infographic]
Email blasts may seem like the out-of-touch old fogey of online marketing, but there’s a reason they keep hanging around: They still work. But that doesn’t mean most businesses understand how to get the most out of them. One of the biggest, hardest-to-answer questions has always been: When is the best time to send out messages, What’s The Best Time Of Day To Send Emails? [Infographic].
I Won’t Buy Apple Products Until The Company Treats Overseas Workers Fairly
At what point will Apple say enough is enough? When will it decide that the costs saved by manufacturing in China arn’et worth the PR blowback, to say nothing of the physical and emotional harm its partnership with Foxconn supports, I Won’t Buy Apple Products Until The Company Treats Overseas Workers Fairly.
Your Twitter Hashtag Chats Are Ruining My Life. Please Stop
Having a conversation on Twitter is like gabbing in the front row of a rock concert. You have to yell to be heard, and that annoys everyone around you. Yet for some reason, people engage in hashtag chats on Twitter. Hashtag chats are not only rude, they’re unnecessary. There are far better alternatives, Your Twitter Hashtag Chats Are Ruining My Life. Please Stop.
Chrome Extension Protects Privacy Against Google, Facebook & 1,000 Other Sites
If you’re tired of logging into Facebook to reset your privacy options every time the company updates its user agreement, a new Chrome extension may be the fix you’re looking for, Chrome Extension Protects Privacy Against Google, Facebook & 1,000 Other Sites.
The 5 Commandments For Smartphone Owners
Smartphones are not just for email, Facebook and fantasy football. They are multi-sensory assistant droids that extend our powers of creativity and observation. They’re loaded with powerful cameras, microphones and accelerometers. We can interact with the info they store with our fingers or our voices. They can communicate with other computers. And there’s an app for everything, The 5 Commandments For Smartphone Owners.
Anyone can call himself a social media expert and find clients willing to pay thousands of dollars for advice. Here are some things to consider before hiring a so-called expert, including whether you really need a social media consultant, How Social Media Consultants Dupe Their Corporate Clients.
[Infographic] YouTube’s Top 1,000 Channels Reveal An Industry Taking Shape
YouTube is still the pesky younger sibling of television, which is the wicked uncle of Hollywood. But the social video site is slowly becoming a formidable medium in its own right, creating new business models and spheres of influence for – literally – a million rising stars, [Infographic] YouTube’s Top 1,000 Channels Reveal An Industry Taking Shape.
Chirpify: Buy, Sell, Donate With Your Twitter Account
It was only a matter of time. Tweets are now transactions. A new service called Chirpify has opened Twitter to e-commerce, enabling people to buy, sell, donate, pay and otherwise transact in-stream with their Twitter accounts, Chirpify: Buy, Sell, Donate With Your Twitter Account.
ReadWriteWeb Channels
- Take My Facebook Password? Over My Dead Body
- Is Microsoft Challenging Google on HTTP 2.0 with WebSocket?
- [Infographic] Social Media Security Basics
- Facebook Friends: How Many Is Too Many?
- Fuzebox, the iPad and the Reality of Simple Unified Communications
- Squashing Bugs: The Many Layered Approach to Mobile App Testing
Follow ReadWriteCloud on Twitter and join the ReadWriteCloud LinkedIn Group.
- Red Hat Sets a Date for OpenShift Source Release
- Box Launches Its Own Enterprise Cloud Operating Ecosystem
- Google’s Go Programming Language Grows Up: Now What?
Follow ReadWriteHack on Twitter.
- Google Adds New Toys to OAuth Playground
- Trello: Online Collaboration Software at Its Finest
- Revenge of the DevOps: Microsoft Targets Next Visual Studio for Admins Too
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