Here is a summary of the week’s Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.
Note: This is a shortened version of the Wrapup, due to Thanksgiving in the US.
Here is a sample of our best posts this week:
- Amazon Sets eBook World Alight with Kindle, New Internet-enabled eReader Device
- The RWW Guide to the World’s Most Popular Twitter Clients
- Social Graph & Beyond: Tim Berners-Lee’s Graph is The Next Level
- R/WW Thanksgiving: Thank You Google for Open Social (Or, Why Open Social Really Matters)
- Firefox 3 Beta Hits the Web – Faster, But Still a Memory Hog
- Study: Web Will Slow by 2010
- SpiralFrog Loses $3m in 3 months: Not “Getting It” is Getting Expensive
- The Nearly Never Ending Market for Niche Social Networks
- The Rise Of Hyperlocal Information
- Deconstructing the Business Social Network
- Visualizing Social Software Best Practices: Three Approaches
- Is Facebook Really Ruining Christmas?
- Newspaper Ad Sales Up Online, Down in Print
- Poll: Will You Have More Business Contacts in Facebook than LinkedIn, in 6 Months? (results below)
Poll Results
In 6 months time, will you have more business contacts in Facebook than LinkedIn?
Yes, Facebook will have more 26% (116 votes)
No, LinkedIn will still have more 68% (307 votes)
They will be even 6% (29 votes)
That’s a wrap for another week! Enjoy your weekend everyone.