Home Weekly Wrap-up: Google Plus, Facebook, Kindle Fire, Wikpedia and More…

Weekly Wrap-up: Google Plus, Facebook, Kindle Fire, Wikpedia and More…

Opening Google Plus to everyone gave them a tremendous traffic boost. With a 1269% increase in visits, Plus traffic increased to 15 million U.S visits, up from 1.1 million the week before. That news, plus Facebook’s re-design, the Kindle Fire launch and a look at a very cool Wikipedia QE addition, rounds out our top stories this week at ReadWriteWeb.

After the jump you’ll find more of this week’s top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web – Google Plus, Facebook and Kindle Fire – plus highlights from some of our six channels. Read on for more.

Top Stories of the Week

This week’s Google Plus traffic win was a favorite of ReadWriteWeb readers. Contrasting that to Facebook’s re-design, which also garnered much attention, shows you the impact of this rivalry for social networking domination.

Wikipedia also impressed this week with a very cool QR implementation. Take a photo of a QR code and you’ll be automatically routed to a linked mobile Wikipedia entry about the object, in your language. As ReadWriteWeb Lead Writer, Marshall Kirkpatrick said, “I dare you to find a cooler example of QR codes in action than QRPedia.”

Amazon announced their Wi-Fi only, 7-inch tablet, the Kindle Fire, this week. The $199 device is full-color, backlit and weighs 14.6 ounces. While it may not be an iPad killer, as one ReadWriteWeb reader pointed out in the comments, Netflix may be in for some serious competition once this thing arrives. Look for the KIndle Fire to ship on November 15.

More Kindle Fire Coverage

ReadWriteWeb Meetup in Portland

Imagine an evening surrounding by cool folks, like yourself, discussing important technology stories, debating the merits of data portability and net neutrality, thumb wrestling over browser preferences and your favorite phone OS.

If that sounds like your idea of the coolest evening ever, and you’re local to Portland, OR, please come and hang out with many of the ReadWriteWeb staff, and a group of the most awesome readers a blog could have, at the Green Dragon on October 13, 6:30 – 8:30.

RSVP for the Portland Meetup

To plan a ReadWriteWeb meetup in your area, check out our ReadWriteWeb Meetup Everywhere page. There are already half a dozen meetups being planned in November for St Louis, Savannah, Boston, New Zealand and Palo Alto. If your city isn’t there, please list it asap.

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