Another busy week of Web Tech news and analysis. Here is what we covered on
Read/WriteWeb during the week (number of comments in brackets)…
OneWebDay: In Celebration
Of The Web (2) – looks like this didn’t take off in a big way, judging by the lack of
blogosphere love for it. I still think it’s a great idea though, a day to celebrate the
Plans Web-based Works Suite – Including Word Processing And Spreadsheets (4) – this
news seemed to underwhelm people. Microsoft Works as a Web Office suite? People expect
more innovation I think. But this is where Zoho, Zimbra and other small companies come
into play.
Business Web
Desktop From (1) – personalized start pages come to the business
The Social
Networking Faceoff (23) – Alex Iskold’s latest Faceoff post noted that Orkut is
perhaps more influential than most people think. But there was some robust
discussion on the accuracy of the Alexa stats we used.
News: Facebook in talks with Yahoo for rumored $1B deal (9) – no confirmation from
Yahoo sources yet, but according to Michael Arrington in
his latest podcast “something is clearly going on there”. So watch this space…
Can Userplane Help Transform AOL? (0) – Userplane’s Michael Jones: “We expect
Userplane to have a great influence on the future of AOL’s strategy and culture.”
2006 Presenting Companies Announced (0) – DEMO is on this week and Alex Iskold will
be providing on-the-scene reports for R/WW.
Top Web Apps in
Japan (10) – this is a fascinating post, thanks to the information given to me by
Benjamin Joffe (CEO of Plus Eight Star Ltd) and
Masashi Kobayashi (partner of Globis Capital Partners – one of
the largest Venture Capital firms in Japan). Must read, IMO.
9rules Adds
Community Search Engine (0) – a neat example of social search.
Brings Utility Computing To Web Apps (7) – watch this company, 3Tera. They are
building outstanding web technology.
Social Bookmarking Faceoff (65) – Alex’s post got a great deal of attention, so scroll through the comments if social bookmarking is your thing.
France Web Market
Overview (19) – another in our popular international web apps series.
Building Web
Native Apps: Google Calendar and Web Office (4) – Web Native apps are Google’s raison
Can Google
China compete with Baidu? (8) – check out the comments for some excellent pro and con
arguments. Most people do expect Google to compete well, long term, against Baidu in the China