Home Weekly Wrap-Up: Foxconn Riots, My Week With Android, And How To Buy A Smartphone

Weekly Wrap-Up: Foxconn Riots, My Week With Android, And How To Buy A Smartphone

My week with Android, or why I’m buying an iPhone 5; Foxconn riots; and how to buy a smartphone. All of this and more in the ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-up.

After the jump you’ll find more of this week’s top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web – Location, App Stores and Real-Time Web – plus highlights from some of our six channels. Read on for more.

My Week With Android, Or Why I’m Buying An iPhone 5

Not long ago, one of our editors did a very bad thing: he dropped hisiPhone 4 and cracked the screen. He was very sad, but the experience proved useful as it forced him to face up to his phone future. Did he want a new iPhone 5 or was it time to switch to a different brand of smartphone, My Week With Android, Or Why I’m Buying An iPhone 5.

More Top Posts:

Apple Riot Aftermath: iPhone 5 Factory Remains A Powder Keg

Two days after Sunday’s riot at the Chinese Foxconn Technologies factory, the home of the Apple iPhone 5 assembly line was back up and running. But with police reportedly monitoring street corners and the factory’s main entrance, Foxconn still looks like a powder keg with a sizzling fuse, Apple Riot Aftermath: iPhone 5 Factory Remains A Powder Keg.

How To Buy A Smartphone: Which Is Better, Android or iPhone?

What is the difference between Android and the iPhone, really? Where do Windows Phone and BlackBerry fit in? All these platforms do basically the same thing (connect a phone to the Internet and applications), but there are fundamental differences. Determining what kind of smartphone is right for you means knowing your mobile operating systems, How To Buy A Smartphone: Which Is Better, Android or iPhone?.

Why I Love Apple’s Facebook Integration

The Facebook integration into Apple’s OS X and iOS brings relief. It’s the easiest, least icky, most user-friendly partnership between two major tech companies seen in a long while, and that’s saying something. The rubber has hit the road for the social Web, and it has to start making money, Why I Love Apple’s Facebook Integration.

Apology Accepted, Apple. Now Get To Work, Google.

When Apple showed off iOS 6 Maps in June, few could have imagined the fiasco that would ensue three months later. Indeed, the last person expecting such major fallout was CEO Tim Cook, who today issued a rare public apology. While it could have gone further, the statement was a bold move by a company not accustomed to admitting its faults, Apology Accepted, Apple. Now Get To Work, Google..

Facebook’s Next Privacy Issue & How To Opt Out

In what is likely to become the next privacy controversy for Facebook, the social-media giant is working with a big-data firm to correlate off-line purchases with ad views on Facebook. And, surprise, opting out is trickier than Facebook’s typically difficult procedures. The data aggregator is Datalogix, which claims to have information about consumer transactions worth $1 trillion and about almost every U.S. household, Facebook’s Next Privacy Issue & How To Opt Out.

The Flipside Of BitTorrent – Why Many Musicians Still Hate It

You can tell the week probably won’t go well when the first email you get on Monday morning comes from a pissed-off rock star. But when singer-songwriter David Lowery  of the band Camper Van Beethoven sent a message complaining about a previous story (BitTorrent Downloads Booming – And Benefitting Musicians), the debate was back on, The Flipside Of BitTorrent – Why Many Musicians Still Hate It.

5 Reasons Steve Jobs Would Have Liked His New Statue

Dumpster diving. That’s the secret behind a new sculpture of Steve Jobs. Early last year, Los Angeles artist XVALA, nee Jeff Hamilton, used trash collected from Jobs’ home to build a sculpture of the late turtle-neck and mom jeans-wearing Mac guru, complete with iPhone in hand. That’s right, the artist picked through Jobs’ trash and turned it into treasure, 5 Reasons Steve Jobs Would Have Liked His New Statue.

For Startups, Timing Trends Really Does Matter – Except When It Doesn’t

Now is the best time in history to start your own business. But depending on what kind of company you’re building, you have to figure out if your idea is poised to capture a trend – or doomed to miss one and face a much tougher road to success, For Startups, Timing Trends Really Does Matter – Except When It Doesn’t.

The Key To Social Network Success: Rip Off Pinterest?

Your social network has fallen from its 2006-era prime. You need to reposition yourself and regain the attention of users who have long since moved on. What do you do? Take a page from the Pinterest playbook. This week is apparently the week to do exactly that. First, MySpace previewed its next iteration, which moves away from traditional profiles and social streams in favor of a grid-based layout showcasing media content shared by users. Sound familiar, The Key To Social Network Success: Rip Off Pinterest?.

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