In last week’s poll, we asked if one company will come to dominate cloud computing. We had 115 responses.

Today we posted about the massive data center that Apple is building in Maiden, NC. We know so little about what Apple plans to do with the 500,000 square foot data center. So, we want to ask you: Why is Apple building a massive, 1$ billion data center?
Speculation runs the gamut.
Is it to give Apple the ability to deliver its own content?
From Dan Rayburn:
“…it does indicate that over time, third party CDNs like Akamai and Limelight could very well lose a large portion of Apple’s business. While it’s way to early to speculate what kind of content Apple will deliver and in what volume, this strategy is nearly identical to what we’ve seen Microsoft do over the years.”
People point to Apple’s Lala acqusition as a case in point that Apple wants to offer iTunes in the cloud.
Michael Robertson, the founder of gives this scenario:
“What is of value is the personal music storage service which was an often overlooked component of Lala’s business. As Apple did with the original iPods, Lala realized that any music solution must include music already possessed by the user. The Lala setup process provides software to store a personal music library online and then play it from any web browser alongside web songs they vend. This technology plus the engineering and management team is the true value of Lala to Apple.”
Will One Company Come To Dominate Cloud Computing?
We asked that question last week. We had 115 people respond. About 45 percent of you said, no, there is too much diversity in the market for it to be dominated by one company:
So, what do you think? Why is Apple building this massive data center?