The folks at Alcatel-Lucent have cooked up a plan with the organizers of the Glue conference that even the most jaded blogger would find of interest.

Fifteen winners will be flown to Denver for the Glue Conference next spring to show off what they created using APIs that leverage the cloud.
But here’s the cool part. Alcatel-Lucent and the Glue folks will sponsor a nationwide hackathon tour leading up to the conference. And you get a say in what cities they visit. The top winners from those hackathons will go to Gluecon.
What we want to know? What cities should be part of the tour?
Eric Norlin is the organizer for Gluecon. Here’s his take:
“Because it’s aimed at developers, the topics are far more technical than my feeble marketer’s brain can easily comprehend. And because Glue isn’t defined as “a cloud computing” conference, it’s not caught in the echo chamber of “defining” this, that and the other thing. Glue seeks to explore the connective “tissue” of the web and IT infrastructure. That connective tissue can be called a lot of things: service oriented architecture, web services, APIs, cloud computing, etc. But call it what you will, developers know that it’s not the name that counts, it’s the building of the application, and the underlying infrastructure that supports it.
In that context, my goal with Gluecon is really simple: Make it THE gathering place for developers in the API/Cloud space.
With that goal in mind, we’re setting out this year to change the game for developer conferences. And the only way that I know to change the game is to open things up in such a way as to get maximum involvement from the community.”
Alcatel-Lucent is the community sponsor for the event. People like myself and a host of others will decide who are the final winners.
Planning is still in the early stages. More details will be available soon.
In the meantime, cast your vote. We have some hackathons to plan.
Disclosure: Alcatel-Lucent is a sponsor for ReadWriteWeb. Alex Williams will receive a free pass to the Glue Conference for participating as a judge in the contest.