The open cloud is dominating discussions that we are having with people at OSCON. And over the past week, that conversation online has accelerated as the conference approached.

Open cloud computing is a big topic. At a granular level, we are hearing lots of talk about the rise of “DevOps,” and “NoSQL“. Topics like open government, APIs and standards are surfacing in panels, keynotes and hallway discussions.
Here’s the poll:
In terms of open source, everything is on the table. Standards processes are being questioned following Benjamin Black win at a debate at the Cloud Summit. He argued against standards. Here are his slides:
OSCON 2010 – Cloud Standards Debate
Rackpace and NASA announced on the eve of OSCON that they would reveal their code and technology as part of an open cloud initiative called OpenStack.
The DevOps movement is getting some buzz. According to Patrick Debois, DevOps is bridging the gap between projects and operations. Practitioners use Agile techniques in development, project management and system administration.
Companies in this space include Opscode and Puppet.
And NoSQL continues to gain momentum. The topic came up several times at CloudCamp. A number of vendors are here to present their offerings. NorthScale, for instance, released its latest version of membase.
So, what do you think? What is the buzz at OSCON and online about the open cloud?