Home Weekly Poll: Are You Using Facebook Places?

Weekly Poll: Are You Using Facebook Places?

This week, Facebook unveiled a number of updates to its mobile platform, including the launch of a location-based coupons and discounts offering called Facebook Deals, a more open read/write location API, single sign-on support for mobile and revamped iPhone and Android applications.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wouldn’t give specific numbers on how many people were using Facebook Places as compared with its competition like Foursquare, Gowalla, SCVNGR and others. So you tell us: are using it as a consumer? Or if you’re a developer, what your plans are to integrate it into your app?

Places is Big! (So Why Aren’t My Friends Using It?)

The only think Zuckerberg would say about Facebook Places is this:

“We don’t have any public stats, but it’s going well…We know that Places on iPhone is multiples larger than any other location service. You can extrapolate from there. We’re pretty psyched.”

Given that all we hear about online these days is Foursquare, it seems, let’s find out from our readers how many are really using Places. And by using, we don’t mean you tried it once or twice. We mean it’s your go-to service for checking in.

And from developers, we want to hear whether you plan to (or already have) integrated Facebook Places into your location-aware application, if relevant.


There are two polls below, one for users and one for developers. Developers who also regularly use these services can answer both polls, of course.

Consumers/Users: Do you use Facebook Places?

Developers: Will You Support Facebook Places?

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