Business 2.0‘s latest print issue has a nice feature on Web 2.0 apps around the world. From
Nooked in Ireland to Zoho Writer in India to
Gnoos in Australia – it’s an excellent overview of some of the web action happening outside of Silicon Valley. The Business 2.0 article isn’t online yet, but you can view it
via Olive ActiveMagazine (pg 106).

As the article notes, a lot of worldwide web 2.0 apps are copying successful Silicon Valley products (a point
I made in my recent posts on German and
Dutch web apps). But also there’s a lot of innovation
from these international startups – “taking a familiar idea to the next level”, as B20 puts it. The start pages market is a good example, as Netvibes (French) and Pageflakes (German/Aus) are leading the field in terms of innovation.