When the team at Wufoo sent out a mass email announcing their company’s acquisition by SurveyMonkey earlier today, they were able to watch the campaign’s results in real-time. Each time somebody opened, clicked, forwarded or shared the email, a pin landed on the map displaying their name, photo and city.

This rather neat visualization was made possible by Worldview, a feature recently launched by email marketing provider Campaign Monitor.

“You click the “Send” button, your reports start filling up with numbers and you move on to something else,” wrote Campaign Monitor founder and designer David Greiner in a blog post. “But remember, those weren’t ten thousand email addresses you just sent to. They were ten thousand real people.”
To demonstrate this, the company built WorldView, which puts tiny, human faces on those recipients and tells you a little bit about them. By mapping the response in real time, they offer users a particularly fascinating look at how one’s email marketing campaigns are performing.
Worldview reports can even be shared with others, but any identifiable subscriber information is stripped out of these public reports.
The feature is free for existing Campaign Monitor customers. If you’re not one of them, you can check out the live demo.