Following the Announcement of the Tizen Samsung Gear S Smartwatch, we now present you with Gear S wallpapers / backgrounds. The actual device will be out in a matter of weeks now, so your welcome to start bookmarking and collecting them. This collection are wallpapers with a Tizen twist 😉
Over the last few months we have assembled quite a catalogue of Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo and Galaxy Gear wallpapers and hope to bring you the same style of fantastic high quality Wallpapers yet again.
You can download them directly from our site either using your computer or your mobile device, and then easily transfer them to your Gear S smartphone.
Download instructions
As ever, you can download them directly from our site either using your computer or your mobile device, and then easily transfer them to your Tizen Smartwatch using the Samsung Gear Manager application.
Click on the Image you want to download, then right click and save
Once you you have downloaded them, all you need to do is open Gear Manager on your Android device, go into home screen styler, select wallpapers, and then more images, navigate and select the downloaded image.
Wallpaper Gallery
[AFG_gallery id=’11’]Keep tuned, more wallpapers are on the way 🙂