Wakerupper is a nifty light-weight text-to-speech web app with a great name that will call any phone at a preset time. The site is currently in private beta, though its basic features are publicly available now (advanced features such as scheduling and a snooze function are only available to beta testers). I tested it out earlier this week and it never missed a call.

The way Wakerupper works is simple: you give it a phone number and a time and date to call, and optionally you give it a short message (under 140 characters). At the entered time, the app will call your phone and read back your message in a surprisingly non-computer-sounding voice. A cancellation code is emailed to you in case you want to call off your reminder.
As the name suggests, Wakerupper is ideal for things like wake-up calls and appointment reminders. But because most houses have alarm clocks, most hotels have wake-up call services, and most cell phones have a built in calendar app with a reminder function (and alarm clocks, as well, for that matter), I began to question the utility of the service.
However, while Wakerupper may not be necessary for its most practical applications, some of the more whimsical suggested use cases on the web site actually make a lot of sense. For example, “Escape from a boring date or meeting.” Want a built-in escape hatch for a blind date? Schedule Wakerupper to call you around the time you should be midway through your entree — by that time you’ll know if you want to bail. Or how about, “Remind child or spouse to do chores.” Now parents don’t even have to lift a finger to nag their children in far off places.
The service is currently free to use, and an item in the site’s FAQ suggests that Wakerupper might someday deliver advertisements along with wake-up calls.