We have to admit that wehave a thing for AIR apps. Most of our most popular desktop tools include AIR apps. From Twhirl to Snackr, they help us do our job with style. However, AIR apps are not in abundance and missing from various sites and services. While we recommend uvLayer for Youtube videos, it would be awesome to see other services release their own official AIR apps. Well, it seems Vimeo may be looking to release there own AIR app in the near future.
Looking for Developers
Last week Vimeo published a blog post that the company is looking to take on a few developers. Vimeo is currently look for web application and flash developers with AIR development experience.
We’re looking for superstar Flash developers:
- Do you have OOP experience in a language other than Flash?
- Does the prospect of your SWF being loaded 7 million times a day excite you?
- You have demonstrable design experience?
- Have you built a Flash video player before?
- Have you built Air applications?
Good News For Vimeo Users
If an AIR application does come down the pipeline, we’re sure Vimeo users will be happy video campers. The description does enough to hint at a possible AIR app in the future and tons more. Vimeo users may also see some site changes and additions in the near future too if developers with these skillsets are signed on. Here’s to hoping that a Vimeo AIR app comes soon!