Verify, a concept testing application from interaction design firm ZURB, just added language support for German, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Dutch. The Verify team found that the app has large user bases in Europe, Central & South America, so the new languages will help them better serve those customers.

Verify helps Web designers create evaluative tests for their design elements and receive audience feedback. Users can upload an image of a design, create a test for it, and then offer it to users to evaluate its effectiveness. Several kinds of tests are available, such as memory tests and A/B preference tests. Here’s a working demo of a Verify test.

It’s hard for small-time designers to do this kind of quality control, so Verify is especially helpful to them. We covered Verify’s launch last year because the app helps designers make better Web experiences, and the new language support should expand its international audience.
Demo of Verify from Bryan Zmijewski on Vimeo.
Last week, we covered ZURB’s ZURBwired event, in which the firm will team up with a lucky nonprofit to solve a design problem. Applications are now closed, and ZURB received 20 submissions. Check out their blog post to see who applied. We can’t wait to hear who wins!