If you live in the United States, don’t forget to set your clocks an hour ahead before you go to sleep tonight as Daylight Saving Time goes into effect tomorrow morning at 2 am.

While the practice has been around for many years, working out times for the various time zones in the States can still cause confusion, particularly this weekend, and especially as not all states observe Daylight Saving Time. Enter Google and its ‘time’ shortcut.
Like many other shortcuts for Google, the time shortcut is an easy one to remember; simply type ‘time‘ and you’ll get back results for the various time zones within your country. Want to check times in other regions? Just type ‘time country‘ and if the country you are searching for spans several time zones, Google will give you a quick result.

According to GreenwichMeanTime.com, Daylight Saving Time for the U.S. and its territories is not observed in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the state of Arizona but for the Navajo Indian Reservation, which does observe.
As for an easy way to remember whether to put your clocks forward or back, just remember the old phrase “spring forward, fall back.”
In the United States, Daylight Saving Time will end the first Sunday in November.