It’s conference season for the Web and below are some upcoming events that may interest you:
Defrag – 1 free ticket available to R/WW reader; discounts too
Defrag has been sponsoring our Weekly Wrapups for the last few weeks; and we are a Media Sponsor for the event. The focus of Defrag is ‘The Implicit Web’, a topic we’ve explored a lot on R/WW – see for example The Attention Economy: An Overview.
Defrag is a two-day event being held in Denver, Colorado, from November 5 – 6, 2007. To register with a $100 discount, click here.
Also Read/WriteWeb has one free ticket to give away. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post giving us a 1-sentence definition of The Implicit Web. The best definition, as chosen by myself, will receive a free ticket to the event – valued at $1,495. (Note: if you purchase a ticket using the discount link above, that will be refunded if you win the free ticket)
New New Internet
On Thursday, November 1, 2007, ExecutiveBiz will be presenting the The New New Internet: Web 2.0 for Business conference in Reston, Virginia.
NewTeeVee Live
Our friends from the GigaOm Network are presenting a one day event called NewTeeVee Live, to be held in San Francisco on 14th of November. The event will showcase the online video industry. NewTeeVee is a similar blog to last100 (a Read/WriteWeb Network blog), so we will be closely following the action.
Note: if anyone would like to provide some live coverage of NewTeeVee Live for last100, please contact us. We may be able to get you a free press pass to the event.
TechCrunch Boston Meetup
Our friends at TechCrunch have another meetup happening, this time in Boston on November 16, 2007. Our own Josh Catone will be there, schmoozing on Read/WriteWeb’s behalf. Look for a tall skinny guy with a beard!
Widgety Goodness
British startup Snipperoo is holding a conference about widgets on December 6, 2007, at Brighton.
R/WW Events Board
Last but not least, don’t forget R/WW has an Events Board, hosted by EventBee. You can list your event there for as little as $75.