Home Twitpic Lives! Mystery Hero Buys Twitter Photo Host

Twitpic Lives! Mystery Hero Buys Twitter Photo Host

Don’t mourn Twitpic. The popular service will continue to host images and video on Twitter thanks to an acquisition, the company tweeted Thursday.


This is the company’s first tweet since Sept. 4, when it announced it would be shutting down on Sept. 25 following a copyright skirmish with Twitter. The micro-blogging giant decided now was the time to take action against Twitpic, although the startup has been around since 2008.

“Unfortunately we do not have the resources to fend off a large company like Twitter to maintain our mark which we believe whole heartedly is rightfully ours,” founder Noah Everett wrote. “Therefore, we have decided to shut down Twitpic.”

See also: Twitpic, Already Sidelined By Twitter, Shuts Down After Trademark Spat

Now it looks like the acquisition will give the company the resources it needs to stay in business. Twitpic has not revealed any other details, or even the identity of the buyer.

Twitpic’s news comes as an apparent relief; as of publication, the announcement tweet had more than 4,000 retweets.

Lead image by Homard.net

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