Home Smartphone Game: Night Runner Z, Run, Run, Run!!!

Smartphone Game: Night Runner Z, Run, Run, Run!!!

Night Runner Z is a game like Subway Surfers and is already available on the Android and iOS platforms. The only difference is that you are not chased by a track guard and it’s Halloween. If you don’t know how to play Night Runner Z, carry on reading. You’re running to collect candy as it’s Halloween. But it’s not that simple, there’s signs, monsters and cars to dodge. If you can’t dodge them, you need to start again and sometimes you get an option to save your character by spending candy. Also, with the candy you’ve collected, you can buy different characters. There are currently eight characters, the girl that you run with at the start and seven others. Apart from those two reasons, you can’t spend your candy on anything else. But hopefully, the developer will add a feature where you can have power-ups.
I think this game has really good graphics to have you glued to your smartphone and the sound is addictive. It has been rated 4.3 out of 5.0 which is really good, most of the people have rated it a 5. That is amazing! The developer, GAMEPEA, has currently made ten other games, Hero’s vs villains TD, Aero fighter, SG ONLINE FREE, Cyclone, Fruits farm mania, Billionaire Slots 2017, Gravitation, Zen block, Extreme breakout, Jetter boy, and Red bucket. I hope in future updates, the developer will add a power-up feature, as I mentioned and also more characters you can run with.
This game is available in the Tizen Store now for FREE for a limited time, after the free period is over, it will go back to its normal price of $4.99. If you’re a game or an app developer and you want your app or game reviewed on our website, contact us at [email protected]

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