Location-based social app Foursquare reached a new milestone last week when it logged its 1 billionth check-in. The service, which reached 10 million users in June, first launched two years ago and has since become the most popular location-based social networking tool of its kind. People use the app to “check in” to any location, be it a public venue, somebody’s house, or even a natural disaster. Whatever the intent, that “Check In” button at the bottom of the app has now been tapped 1 billion times.

To mark the occasion, the team at Foursquare put together an animated data visualization plotting a week’s worth of check-ins across a map of the world. Across the top of the map, you can see how the check-ins break down by category and region. The animation shows people checking into restaurants, entertainment venues, outdoor spots and more all across the globe, in an animation that resembles millions of flickering lights.
Be sure to view the video in full-screen mode for the full effect.