I am a huge fan of podcasts and podcasting and one of my favorites to listen to each week is Leo Laporte’s This Week in Tech (TWiT). Now and then, angel investor and Open Angel Forum founder Jason Calacanis is a guest on TWiT, and not long ago he launched a podcast network of his own borrowing the “This Week in” name (with Leo’s blessing, of course). After success with his first podcast This Week in Startups (TWiSt) which Jason hosts himself, he is now creating a brand new podcast that is a perfect resource for startups and entrepreneurs: This Week in Venture Capital (TWiVC).

Venture capital is a big part of what we discuss here at ReadWriteStart, and Jason’s new podcast is sure to become an excellent source of VC news straight from the horse’s mouth. The premier episode is available now and features two-time entrepreneur turned VC Mark Suster, who authors the Both Sides of the Table blog, and who was previously a guest of Jason’s on TWiSt.
In the episode the pair discuss the recent collection of obnoxiously high valuations for startups like Foursquare and Quora, as well as the resurgent IPO market, an issue we mentioned earlier this week after the Nation Venture Capital Association released some record breaking numbers. Suster even discusses how his blog, mentioned above, has changed the way he does business as a venture capitalist.

TWiSt usually runs over an hour, and this first episode of TWiVC thankfully comes in around 45 minutes, a much more digestible length for a video podcast. Hopefully they will stay true to this length, as brevity and density is often a more enjoyable listen. Either way, I know I’ll be tuning in each week to catch Jason’s and other’s opinions on the latest VC happenings, and I think any early-stage startup or first-time entrepreneur should do the same.