Noting that both Google and Bing have released their year-end “top search” lists, TorrentFreak has released its “BitTorrent Zeitgeist 2010,” its list of this year’s most searched for words and phrases on a top BitTorrent index, KickassTorrents.

It’s not a complete picture of all torrents, of course, but KickassTorrents is one of the top 10 torrent sites in terms of visitors, and the searches are probably fairly indicative of what people are searching for on BitTorrent.
Clearly, it’s movies. Or at least, searches for movies seem to dominate the zeitgeist. 5 of the top 10 search terms are movie titles. At the top of the list was Inception, with Iron Man 2, Avatar, Despicable Me, and Clash of the Titans also in the top 10. Not surprisingly, these films also showed up on an earlier TorrentFreak list: the most pirated movies of the year. Avatar, it’s worth pointing out, has the distinction of being the top grossing film of all time and the most pirated film of the year.
Also among the top 10 search terms: porn and xxx. Windows 7 is the first software-related search term in the list, in 20th place. Despite music industry brouhaha about filesharing, music searches do not rank highly. Eminem is the first music mention, at number 47.
Here’s the top 20, but you can find the full list of 100 here:
- inception
- iron man 2
- 2010
- xxx
- french
- avatar
- dvdrip
- despicable me
- porn
- clash of the titans
- toy story 3
- glee
- salt
- twilight eclipse
- dexter
- the sorcerer’s apprentice
- axxo
- robin hood
- prince of persia
- windows 7