Home The Gentle Art of Self-Promotion

The Gentle Art of Self-Promotion

The second in my JupiterResearch blogging
series is coming up later today, but I thought I’d mention my new sponsorship drive in
the meantime. Basically I’ve set myself a goal of being self-employed in
blogging-related activities by the end of this year
. This will primarily be from
writing (not just on R/WW), but also probably consulting and software design.

My strength though is writing – and thoughtful, analytical writing at that.
Exemplified (I hope) by all the hard work I’ve been putting into R/WW over the past 6

Up To 25% From R/WW

So to get me kick-started on my self-employment goal I’d like to try and earn some
money from Read/Write Web – perhaps up to 25% of what I need to go full-time with
blogging activities, perhaps less. I doubt it’d be much more than that.

For R/WW sponsors or advertisers, I am particularly targeting Web 2.0-style
companies who want to reach influential, smart, decision-making people
. And yes my
dear readers, you can take that as a compliment 😉

I have a couple of things in mind:

1) Obtaining a sponsor specifically for the Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up. This
would involve a banner at the top of each Wrap-Up article and perhaps a “proudly brought
to you by…” mention. Nothing inside the editorial though.

2) Permanant sponsor banners in the right-hand gutter. NB I may need to think
about re-designing my blog, as the 3-column design can be restrictive.

Any thoughts about all this? Feel free to let me know in the comments below. Plus of
course if you’d like to be a sponsor, send me an

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