A domain profiler document on GitHub is providing some interesting insights into the services that Y Combinator startups use to host its services.
The breakdown is according to Web host, Email host, DNS Host, Registrar, SSL Issuer and Certificate type.
The profiler shows:
- Amazon Web Services is the most popular for hosting applications, followed by Rackspace and Soft Layer.
- A total of 39 of the startups use Amazon.com, including Rapportive, airbnb and Cloudant. Rackspace is second but if you include its Slicehost service then it comes pretty close Amazon with 30 using Rackspace and six on Slicehost.
- Windows Azure is noticeably absent. Not one company is listed as using the Microsoft service.
- Google is by far the favorite for email hosting.
- GoDaddy dominates as the registrar of choice.
- Startups use “other/self-hosted” for DNS service. GoDaddy is second in popularity.
- The majority of companies do not have an SSL issuer. For those that do, GoDaddy is again the top choice.
The results show that the majority of Y Combinator startups depend on cloud services instead of self-hosted servers, traditional web hosting or co-location services. That’s a pointer to the overall market and the growing popularity of muli-tenant services.