Specialized mobile search engine Taptu and real-time search service OneRiot have teamed up to launch a new real-time search engine for mobile. With the touch-friendly interface provided by Taptu, you can now perform searches from your mobile phone and receive real-time results from sites like Twitter and Digg. In addition, you can browse through the trending topics to see what recent events are currently being buzzed about.

According to the company’s press release, this joint venture has created “the first ever real-time search for mobile.” That’s not entirely true – after all, you can visit search.twitter.com from any mobile device with a web browser. Plus, there are tons of mobile Twitter applications that have search features built in and/or feature a list of Twitter’s trending topics. However, this new search service does appear to be the first ever dedicated mobile search engine for accessing the real-time web.
Using the OneRiot API, Taptu’s new homepage presents a mobile-friendly search engine interface complete with search box and verticals for searching just the web, images, and now, “buzz.” Previously, the site included verticals for music and video searches too, but those have seemingly been done away with in an effort to simplify the interface.

The new “buzz” section is where you can find the real-time results. Here you’ll find content pulled from sites like Twitter, Digg, other social sharing sites and the company’s own panel of users who have downloaded the OneRiot toolbar and are sharing their web-browsing data in anonymous aggregate.
While Twitter is clearly a source of breaking news, we’ve always found it a bit odd that OneRiot includes Digg in its “real-time” search engine. We’ve never thought of Digg as anything near real-time – in fact, it pales in comparison to Twitter when it comes to the speed with which information spreads. With the immediacy possible on today’s web, sites like Digg seem much slower – painfully slow at times – often taking hours on end to feature the news that had already been buzzing on Twitter for half a day.
That said, Digg and other social news sharing sites can sometimes unearth news that had been overlooked by major media outlets, especially when focused on a particular niche like technology. For example, just think of how many stories you read on someone’s personal blog or Reddit and never saw anywhere else on the web. By tracking niche websites like these as well as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, social bookmarking sites like Delicious and StumbleUpon, microblogs and URL-shortening services, Oneriot can discover links that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.
Taptu’s new mobile search engine interface currently works on major touch-enabled devices including the iPhone, iPod touch, G1, Nokia N97 and 5800, and the BlackBerry Storm 1. The Taptu iPhone application will also be updated soon to include the additional functionality. You can test the new service yourself starting at 9 AM EST by pointing your mobile browser to www.taptu.com.