Syria cracks down on bloggers. As the Jasmine Uprisings go on in Libya, Bahrain, Yemen and elsewhere, Syria has gone in the other direction, arresting bloggers. In the last month, Ahmad Abu Al-Kheir and Firaz Akram Mahmoud have been arrested and Tal Al-Mallouhi was sentenced to five years for her imaginary spying. A host of other Syrian bloggers remain jailed.
Although Syria recently loosened up its Internet filtering, this is clearly just a PR move. Remember, as awful as one death is and despite how violent the deaths of more than 500 Libyans may seem, the father of Syria’s leader killed between 20,000 and 40,000 people in Hama in 1982. These people are monsters.
Libya, Yemen & Bahrain. The uprisings and protests in these three countries continue on. Bahrain sent in tanks and troops to kill about seven protesters and injured hundreds but then backed off. Security forces chased and beat Yemenis but they continue their protests. Libya is the most violent, with many calling it less an uprising in the Tunisian sense and more of a civil war, with non-violence taking a severe beating as protesters arm themselves against tanks and live fire.
Behind the Jasmine Curtain. As the uprisings continue, it’s not just Syria using misdirection to continue or increase their oppression.
Arshama3’s list shows 68 journalists and bloggers currently arrested and incarcerated in Iran. At the same time, Iran’s “cyber army” hacked the websites belonging to the Voice of America.
Saudi Arabiais cycling through a new collection of imprisoned bloggers even as the kingdom’s women demand their rights – on Twitter.
Cambodia blocks popular blogs. “Cambodian authorities have ordered local Internet service providers to block a number of websites, including the popular KI Media news aggregator and commentary blog, considered critical of the government.”
Bahraini blogger and online editor freed. Want some good news? This is good news. Ali Abdulemam, held since the beginning of last September has been set free in the release of political prisoners inspired by #feb14 and has reunited with his family. Abdulemam has run popular BahrainOnline forum site for over six years. He was arrested the first time for it in 2005.
Map from Norman B. Leventhal Map Center