Memeo Connect, an app for managing and sycing Google Docs across multiple devices, got a significant upgrade earlier this week.

The app is targeted at small and medium-sized businesses as a means to create, share, edit and manage Google Docs both online and offline.
Version 2.0, which was in beta for eight weeks, features advanced document filtering, Google-powered document search, among other updates to the app’s UI and functionality. One major addition to the product is GDrive, a Dropbox-esque virtual disk drive for exchanging and storing large files in the cloud.
“The data, statistically and anecdotally, is clearly telling us that Google Docs adoption remains in the mid-market…the SMBs and very small enterprises,” said Spencer Chen, Memeo’s Director of Strategy and Business Development. “Microsoft Office just celebrated its 20th birthday and Google Apps is not going to displace that overnight. But we’re very bullish on the long-term.”
Also included in this update are apps for the iPhone and iPad for managing documents on the go. Memeo Connect is also available as a desktop app for Mac and PC.