If you don’t want to go through the whole process of creating a tumblr blog just to save and share interesting photos and videos you find on the web, then you may be interested in the new social bookmarking tool from We Heart It instead. We Heart It is very similar to another photo sharing and bookmarking service – FFFFOUND – right down to the heart-shaped favicon – but unlike FFFFOUND, you don’t need an invitation to join.

In fact, it almost looks like We Heart It was created by someone who was tired of waiting for FFFFOUND to open up and thought, “I’ll just build my own…and I’ll make it better, too!”
As with FFFFOUND, items are tagged as being liked via a browser bookmarklet (which does not work in IE, by the way). However, where FFFFOUND focuses only on image bookmarking, We Heart IT allows you to mark videos from Vimeo or YouTube as well.

After you “heart” a video or picture, you can then tag it with keywords and even leave comments about why you liked it – features that FFFOUND does not offer. Images can be marked as “unsafe” and you can choose in your settings whether or not you want to see the more risque images.
Although at first, We Heart It did not display related images like FFFFOUND did, they recently added this feature which allows you find “similar entries” based on that photo’s tags. However, unlike FFFFOUND, these related images do not display on the homepage and are only available if you click “Explore” to access the page for the picture that you are viewing. Even then, not all images seem to have related items, whereas at FFFFOUND, they all do. This is because We Heart It finds related items by their tags, where FFFFOUND sources words from the web site where the picture was saved from to give you its suggestions.
The images you tag at We Heart It are saved on a page called “my heart”, which has its own RSS feed. This way, as you find people whose saved images you like, you’ll be able to subscribe to their latest additions.
We Heart It offers a simple service but they do it well, so if you’re also tired of waiting for your FFFFOUND invite, you may want to give them a shot.