After months of work, social trip planner is getting ready to unshutter and launch a much more robust Version 2.0.

“Basically, we created 2.0 by filling in all the blanks other sites like Expedia, TripIt, TripAdvisor, NileGuide, and all the others left undone,” said Phil Butler, PR rep for the company.
When first launched, it featured a very limited roster of cities. When 2.0 launches on June 15th, it will do so with 50 cities instead of a handful and with the same assisted-DIY, social travel focus. 2.0 will offer templates and travel information from previous users, as well as the ability to add your own research in order to build a guide to a place. Each added element, called an “object” can be pulled into others’ guides or itineraries, which they call “stays.” Social web elements create communication across boundaries between travelers, turning it from a source to a platform. Traditional and necessary elements of travel sites, like booking assistance and reservations are also provided.
Social media elements are not rare in travel sites and is not battling in a wide-open arena. Dopplr, TripSay, TripWiser and Nextstop are all heavily focused on online social contributions.
Turning each entry, photo and other piece of information into an “object” that can be re-purposed by a traveler for each new “stay,” makes it intriguing. So does the ability to draw from standard design and presentation elements, giving it a professional look. If, as they promise, the drive for full mobility is achieved, that will help as well. But because each new guide adds to the overall utility of the site, the development and sustainability of a community is likely to be key to’s success.