Looking to spruce up that bland PowerPoint presentation for your next meeting with possible investors? Or do you need high-quality photographs for your product’s homepage or blog? Lifehacker recently profiled Sprixi, a free use image search engine, is an excellent source for finding just the right image to add those finishing touches.

Developed by Sydney, Australia-based company Thirsty Minds, Sprixi crawls Flickr and OpenClipArt.org for images licensed under Creative Commons and implements a user-based recommendation system to produce relevant results. While viewing photos, you can tell Sprixi whether or not an image is a useful result. Based on this data, Sprixi displays the most relevant images as rated by users at the top of the results.

The crowdsourced curation of images is what elevates Sprixi above other image searches. A Google Image search for “baseball” returns photos of varying qualities of balls, players, fields, video games and team logos. The same search on Sprixi uncovers a stunning photograph of a baseball laying in grass that has a “usefullness” rating 25.7.
With no login required to browse and download photos, Sprixi displays the copyright information of each photo and can even embed the information into the photo for you, making the process of giving credit quick and painless.