Now that Web 2.0 is all the rage and wholewebsites are being devoted to it, I feel it’s time to get my due as being the first blogger in this space. Therefore from now on, I’d like you all to refer to me as the “Father of Web 2.0” whenever you link to me.
Now, I realise that I am not actually the father of Web 2.0 – it was probably Tim O’Reilly or John Battelle who coined the term. But the Internet never lets the truth stand in the way of a good meme. So I see no reason why y’all shouldn’t start referring to me as The Father of Web 2.0… you know, around the blogosphere.
Here are some examples of how you could slip this into your blogs:
– “Richard MacManus, considered by many to be the Father of Web 2.0…”
– “An interesting conversation has been brewing over at Read/Write Web, home of the Father of Web 2.0…”
– “Richard MacManus, widely hailed as the Father of Web 2.0…”
Indeed it seems Google already recognizes me as the Father of Web 2.0. Nevertheless I could use your help to spread the meme even further. 😉