Space-Time Smackdown has arrived in Pokemon TCG Pocket, bringing with it some Generation Four goodness to add to the growing collection of sets in the game.
Alongside new cards are a plethora of new missions to take on, allowing you to pick up some nice little rewards for completing them.
Here, we’ll be taking a specific look at the Space-Time Smackdown secret missions, revealing what you need to do to complete them and the goodies for doing so.
Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown secret missions and rewards
Just like the previous sets in Pokemon TCG Pocket, Space-Time Smackdown has secret missions that are hidden from view, requiring you to simply complete them to get them to pop up.
However, we’ve got the full list for you, along with what rewards you’ll receive, allowing you to see if they’re worth your time.
Here is that complete list of Space-Time Smackdown secret missions and rewards so you can make your way through them.
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 1
Requirements – Collect Tangrowth (Gold Star), Combee (Gold Star), Shaymin (Gold Star), Mamoswine (Gold Star), Shinx (Gold Star), Drifloon (Gold Star), Mesprit (Gold Star), Lucario (Gold Star), Croagunk (Gold Star), Heatran (Gold Star), Bidoof (Gold Star), and Regigigas (Gold Star)
Rewards – 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 2
Requirements – Collect Carnivine (Gold Star), Gastrodon (Gold Star), Manaphy (Gold Star), Rotom (Gold Star), Giratina (Gold Star), Cresselia (Gold Star), Rhyperior (Gold Star), Hippopotas (Gold Star), Spiritomb (Gold Star), Garchomp (Gold Star), Staraptor (Gold Star), and Glameow (Gold Star)
Rewards – 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 3
Requirements – Collect Yanmega ex (Two Gold Star), Pachirisu ex (Two Gold Star), Gallade ex (Two Gold Star), and Darkrai ex (Two Gold Star)
Rewards – 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 4
Requirements – Collect Infernape ex (Two Gold Star), Mismagius ex (Two Gold Star), Weavile ex (Two Gold Star), and Lickilicky ex (Two Gold Star)
Rewards – 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets
Champion of the Sinnoh Region
Requirements – Collect Gastrodon (Gold Star), Lucario (Gold Star), Spiritomb (Gold Star), Garchomp (Gold Star) and Cynthia (Two Gold Star)
Rewards – Garchomp Emblem