Things are changing once again in the Pokemon TCG Pocket world with a brand new set entering the fray post Mythical Island being introduced.
Contrary to that of Mythical Island, it’s a fully fledged set akin to that of Genetic Apex, meaning that there are a bunch more cards to collect.
Below, we’ll reveal the full Space-Time Smackdown card list in Pokemon TCG Pocket so you know how many Pack Hourglasses you’ll be burning through!
Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown card list: Everything we know so far
As previously mentioned, Space-Time Smackdown looks to keep you opening packs for a good while, with a plethora of cards to pick up to both add to your collection as well as forging new meta decks.
Instead of three packs to pick from in Genetic Apex though, Space-Time Smackdown only features two — Dialga and Palkia — the two core legendary Pokemon from the Diamond and Pearl era.
These two behemoths are the obvious poster ‘Mons for the set but there are also some great additions that you’ll be chasing for some time.
There are 207 cards to collect in total, including the regular variants as well as the harder to obtain One Star, Two Star, Three Star, and Crown rarities.
Here is the complete list of Space-Time Smackdown cards along with their rarities:
Card | Rarity |
Oddish | One Diamond |
Gloom | One Diamond |
Bellossom | Two Diamond |
Tangela | One Diamond |
Tangrowth | Two Diamond |
Yanma | One Diamond |
Yanmega ex | Four Diamond |
Roselia | One Diamond |
Roserade | Two Diamond |
Turtwig | One Diamond |
Grotle | Two Diamond |
Torterra | Three Diamond |
Kricketot | One Diamond |
Kricketune | One Diamond |
Burmy | One Diamond |
Wormadam | One Diamond |
Combee | One Diamond |
Vespiquen | Two Diamond |
Carnivine | Two Diamond |
Leafeon | Three Diamond |
Mow Rotom | One Diamond |
Shaymin | Three Diamond |
Magmar | One Diamond |
Magmortar | Three Diamond |
Slugma | One Diamond |
Magcargo | Two Diamond |
Chimchar | One Diamond |
Monferno | Two Diamond |
Infernape ex | Four Diamond |
Heat Rotom | One Diamond |
Swinub | One Diamond |
Piloswine | Two Diamond |
Mamoswine | Three Diamond |
Regice | Two Diamond |
Piplup | One Diamond |
Prinplup | Two Diamond |
Empoleon | Three Diamond |
Buizel | One Diamond |
Floatzel | Two Diamond |
Shellos | One Diamond |
Gastrodon | Two Diamond |
Finneon | One Diamond |
Lumineon | Two Diamond |
Snover | One Diamond |
Abomasnow | Two Diamond |
Glaceon | Three Diamond |
Wash Rotom | One Diamond |
Frost Rotom | One Diamond |
Palkia ex | Four Diamond |
Manaphy | Two Diamond |
Magnemite | One Diamond |
Magneton | Two Diamond |
Magnezone | Three Diamond |
Voltorb | One Diamond |
Electrode | Two Diamond |
Electabuzz | One Diamond |
Electivire | Three Diamond |
Shinx | One Diamond |
Luxio | Two Diamond |
Luxray | Three Diamond |
Pachirisu ex | Four Diamond |
Rotom | One Diamond |
Togepi | One Diamond |
Togetic | Two Diamond |
Togekiss | Three Diamond |
Misdreavus | One Diamond |
Mismagius ex | Four Diamond |
Ralts | One Diamond |
Kirlia | One Diamond |
Duskull | One Diamond |
Dusclops | Two Diamond |
Dusknoir | Three Diamond |
Drifloon | One Diamond |
Drifblim | Two Diamond |
Uxie | Two Diamond |
Mesprit | Three Diamond |
Azelf | Two Diamond |
Giratina | Three Diamond |
Cresselia | Three Diamond |
Rhyhorn | One Diamond |
Rhydon | Two Diamond |
Rhyperior | Three Diamond |
Gligar | One Diamond |
Gliscor | Two Diamond |
Hitmontop | One Diamond |
Nosepass | One Diamond |
Regirock | Two Diamond |
Cranidos | Two Diamond |
Rampardos | Three Diamond |
Wormadam | One Diamond |
Riolu | One Diamond |
Lucario | Three Diamond |
Hippopotas | Three Diamond |
Hippowdon | Two Diamond |
Gallade ex | Four Diamond |
Murkrow | One Diamond |
Honchkrow | Two Diamond |
Sneasel | One Diamond |
Weavile ex | Four Diamond |
Poochyena | One Diamond |
Mightyena | Two Diamond |
Stunky | One Diamond |
Skuntank | Two Diamond |
Spiritomb | Two Diamond |
Skorupi | One Diamond |
Drapion | Two Diamond |
Croagunk | One Diamond |
Toxicroak | Two Diamond |
Darkrai | Three Diamond |
Darkrai ex | Four Diamond |
Skarmory | Two Diamond |
Registeel | Two Diamond |
Shieldon | Two Diamond |
Bastiodon | Three Diamond |
Wormadam | One Diamond |
Bronzor | One Diamond |
Bronzong | Two Diamond |
Probopass | Two Diamond |
Dialga ex | Four Diamond |
Heatran | Three Diamond |
Gible | One Diamond |
Gabite | Two Diamond |
Garchomp | Three Diamond |
Lickitung | One Diamond |
Lickilicky ex | Four Diamond |
Eevee | One Diamond |
Porygon | One Diamond |
Porygon2 | Two Diamond |
Porygon-Z | Three Diamond |
Aipom | One Diamond |
Ambipom | One Diamond |
Starly | One Diamond |
Staravia | One Diamond |
Staraptor | Two Diamond |
Bidoof | One Diamond |
Bibarel | One Diamond |
Buneary | One Diamond |
Lopunny | One Diamond |
Glameow | One Diamond |
Purugly | Two Diamond |
Chatot | One Diamond |
Fan Rotom | One Diamond |
Regigigas | Three Diamond |
Skull Fossil | One Diamond |
Armor Fossil | One Diamond |
Pokemon Communication | Two Diamond |
Giant Cape | Two Diamond |
Rocky Helmet | Two Diamond |
Lum Berry | Two Diamond |
Cyrus | Two Diamond |
Team Galactic Grunt | Two Diamond |
Cynthia | Two Diamond |
Volkner | Two Diamond |
Dawn | Two Diamond |
Mars | Two Diamond |
Tangrowth | One Star |
Combee | One Star |
Carnivine | One Star |
Shaymin | One Star |
Mamoswine | One Star |
Gastrodon | One Star |
Manaphy | One Star |
Shinx | One Star |
Rotom | One Star |
Drifloon | One Star |
Mesprit | One Star |
Giratina | One Star |
Cresselia | One Star |
Rhyperior | One Star |
Lucario | One Star |
Hippopotas | One Star |
Spiritomb | One Star |
Croagunk | One Star |
Heatran | One Star |
Garchomp | One Star |
Staraptor | One Star |
Bidoof | One Star |
Glameow | One Star |
Regigigas | One Star |
Yanmega ex | Two Star |
Infernape ex | Two Star |
Palkia ex | Two Star |
Pachirisu ex | Two Star |
Mismagius ex | Two Star |
Gallade ex | Two Star |
Weavile ex | Two Star |
Darkrai ex | Two Star |
Dialga ex | Two Star |
Lickilicky ex | Two Star |
Cyrus | Two Star |
Team Galactic Grunt | Two Star |
Cynthia | Two Star |
Volkner | Two Star |
Dawn | Two Star |
Mars | Two Star |
Yanmega ex | Two Star |
Infernape ex | Two Star |
Pachirisu ex | Two Star |
Mismagius ex | Two Star |
Gallade ex | Two Star |
Weavile ex | Two Star |
Darkrai ex | Two Star |
Lickilicky ex | Two Star |
Palkia ex | Three Star |
Dialga ex | Three Star |
Palkia ex | Crown |
Dialga ex | Crown |
As you can see, there are some real fan-favorite Pokemon that are available this time around with Luicario, Garchomp, and Leafeon notable mentions.
Moreover, with the new ex introductions, there is some serious change-ups in the meta, hopefully spawning much more varied battles that will catch you off guard.